Pancakesandsx replied

612 weeks ago

Event times:
Wednesday at 7:30 EST
Sunday at 7:00 EST

Attendance Expectations:
-If 3 or more runs in row are missed without notifying the group ahead of time, you will not be allowed to lot or comment.
-In order to lot again you must attend 3 runs in a row.
-Notification or not, if your absences are constant and consistent, lotting may be restricted.

How will drops be handled?

Ancient beast coins which drop in all Limbus zones.
-On normal runs, coins will be split evenly among all participants + 1.
-The extra portion of coins will go towards buying boss pops.
-On boss floors and metal chip KI floors, all coins will be used to buy boss pops.
-Participants can contribute coins or buy chips to expedite boss runs for everyone.
-Coin usage can be tracked on the google doc here:

AF1+1 Items:
Items required to upgrade your AF1 gear. Requires one item from Apollyon and one item from Temenos.
-All AF1+1 items are free lot.
-Priority lots are given to people who have the other half of an upgrade set.
-It’s preferred if people looking to complete an Arch boss piece take the items not needed for AF upgrades.

Apollyon and Temenos basement accessories.
-All accessories will be free lot unless they are commented.
-Comments will be taken 5 minutes before teleporting.
-Comments are reserved for people using the item. Do not comment to sell.

Ultima and Omega Parts:
Body parts from Ultima and Omega used to create Homam and Nashira gear.
-All U/O parts are free lot.
-Priority lots are given to people who have an Arch body part, but need the corresponding Homam or Nashira piece to complete their item.

Arch Ultima and Omega Parts:
-Arch parts will be distributed on a single rolling wishlist. You can wishlist up to 5 items at a time.
-Order your items 1-5. This order will determine your lotting priority so choose wisely.
-Once you receive an item you can add a 6th item then a 7th item, and so on.
-Post your wishlist in the wishlist thread on the Limbus forum:
-Notify the group if you need to modify your wishlist. Try to avoid excessive modifications or you may be asked to refrain from lotting.
-Who gets what will be announced during the run. Don’t lot until the drops are called.

last edited 612 weeks ago by Pancakesandsx

Dimitrious Admin replied

611 weeks ago

Deleted 611 weeks ago by Dimitrious
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